Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Gems of All Kinds

Steven Universe is an animated TV series following the Crystal Gems, a group of magical beings whose self-appointed duty is to protect Earth. Among them are Steven, a half-gem half-human, who learns that sometimes, love is the greatest power of all.

SU killed and resurrected me. I am absolutely in love with this show. Its songs, characters and LGBT rep is honestly unlike any other cartoon I've seen. I'm gonna have to do two posts on this show because there's just too much to talk about!

So, first off, the non-binary rep! All of the gems were confirmed to be non-binary (not counting Steven) by the show's writer, Rebecca Sugar, who is non-binary herself!

I love SU so much because it encourages kids to be their truest selves, and shows how different people can be! For ex. Stevonnie, the fusion (a.k.a combination) of Steven and his friend Connie is seen with a feminine body and facial hair, and goes by the pronouns she/her.

This is something we don't see very often on TV, but is true to real life. There are many cisgender (people who identify with the gender they're born with) and transgender girls and NB people who have body/facial hair, yet we never see them represented, because they aren't what society deems "normal." SU isn't afraid to challenge that perception of femininity or defy gender expectations. Stevonnie is just a teenager (well, two!) who want to exist freely as one. What's so wrong with that?

There are also characters that go by less represented/multiple pronouns on the show! The main example of this being a new addition to the show, Rainbow Quartz 2.0, the fusion between Steven and Pearl!

He uses he/him and they/them pronouns! He is the only fusion to go by male pronouns so far! It genuinely knocked me off my seat when I found out he uses two pronouns, since I do myself! It's awesome that this is on a children's (and adults!) cartoon!
If you can't tell from the fact that 1. I'm writing ANOTHER post on this blog about this show and 2. I said so myself, I LOVE this show. And I hope that you guys check it out and love it too!
Good-bi for now,

1 comment:

  1. Extremely well written and so informative. Also, I must say the look of your blog is very professional. Great work.


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